Jackson, MS
Scattered Clouds
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Jackson, MS Scattered Clouds
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The LONG-TERM PARKING LOT at Jackson-Medgar Wiley Evers International Airport is now FULL. Please utilize the SURFACE LOT at this time. Thank you for flying JAN!    Example Horizontal Ticker Information
Due to severe inclement weather, Jackson-Medgar Wiley Evers International Airport is closed until 11:00 pm/CST, Fri., Feb. 19. Please check with your respective airline for flight information.

TSA recently provided additional information on the required screening of checked baggage carrying small electronic devices that come from 10 last point of departure airports in 8 Middle East and North African countries on 9 foreign air carriers. The domestic screening requirements are in effect.

Currently, there are fourteen U.S. airports receiving flights from these countries: Atlanta, Chicago O’Hare, Boston, Dallas-Fort Worth, Fort Lauderdale, Houston International, JFK, Miami, Orlando, San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Washington Dulles International Airport. This electronic device restriction does not affect the Jackson-Medgar Wiley Evers International Airport (JAN).

According to TSA, not all flights impacted by the LPD electronic restriction ban will be required to have checked bags screened upon arrival. However, flights that are designated for the screening requirements will have all their checked bagged screened.

For more information, please contact the TSA Media Room at 571-227-2829.

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